

Clinicals secured! Dental begun! Class 220 graduating! It's a turbulent and freezing time in Great Lakes.

First off, we finished Clinicals. The last week was slightly discombobulated. I spent Monday in 200H taking a SOAP notes class (don't ask), Tuesday in 200H in the dental department, and Wednesday somehow back at the VA on the gen med floor. Working in dental was actually pretty awesome. I got to observe up close some routine but fascinating dental procedures, and learned how to file medical records (not glamorous but SO very important to know).

While the rest of 220 spent today in the outbrief and picking up plane tickets home, the HMDA's finally split off to form 220-2, dental strand! And we're all going to be in amazing shape, because dental classes are on the 12th floor of 200H. We spent the morning being briefed by two Chiefs, both giving us great advice and FINALLY shedding some light on this mystery that is dental training. I'm feeling a lot better about getting the dental training, as it sounds really interesting, and will only enhance our repertoire in the field (and help us get promoted faster!). As for orders, our friendly lady in charge of contacting the detailer said we will have them before the holiday exodus, and that we COULD even have them as soon as tomorrow. I'm doubtful, so expect something more in lines with next week. Wednesday or Thursday is my guess. Test 1 is already on Wednesday, and Test 2 is the day before we leave on exodus, so it's going to be a busy couple of weeks before shore leave. Graduation is set for the 25th of January, after which I will go straight to my first duty station, or be put on hold like a few shipmates from 220.

Speaking of 220, bravo zulu shipmates for making it to the very end of Corps School, and good luck to all at your first duty station! I'm going to definitely miss some of you, but its a small navy, so I hope to see you out in the fleet one day.

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