
Welcome aboard

Last Wednesday, transferred from Patriot's Landing to the ship. Despite the fact that the aircraft carrier is massive, I sleep, eat and work within about 20 seconds of each other. I was afraid I would be getting lost all the time, but as long as I stick to the basics it's no problem. The berthing is definitely an improvement over the barge, but it's still all very spartan, as it always will be (unless I go officer, of course!). I was debating whether to update the blog at all, as Operational Security (OPSEC) is a huge deal here, but decided I can still provide meaningful updates without divulging any sensitive information. Assuming the state of the food on board isn't sensitive material. I understand making 3 meals a day for 5,000 people is an immense undertaking, but I WILL be eating pb and j like its my job while we are underway.

Speaking of which, I can not tell you when we are going, or where we are going. However, once we get there I am allowed to update with our current location. This summer should be quite the adventure.

Right now, I'm excited to finally be on board the ship, but there is a certain feeling of being completely overwhelmed. Not just by the ship itself, but with everything I have to get together here. Check-in sheet tasks, qualifications on damage control and ship repair, tests, advancement exam next week, dental quals, duty tasks, general quarters quals, warfare quals??? Everything doesn't have to be done tomorrow, but there is a huge amount I need to start getting done so I can get my blue card, so I can start actually being a dental assistant again, so I can be an effective member of the crew. Overwhelming, yes. Challenging? Roger that. Luckily, my dental shipmates seem to be good people who are helping me along the way. Now I need to get settled here and build a good foundation to my naval career. If I can stay squared away and on my game, I should leave this command as a dual qualified e-5. It's a great goal to have, but frustrating to think how long the road is to get there. I just have to stay motivated and patient, and I'll get there. In the meantime, it's going to be quite the ride...

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