
Quick Draw McGraw

20 Jul 10, 4-3 Day

Mom and Dad,

I’ve been waking up at 0400 Monday and Tuesday this week, but it wasn’t so bad because we went to simulated fire yesterday and live fire today.   Monday was also Zone Inspection, just another step in hell week.  Luckily we re-did everything in our racks the night before, so I S.O.’d my zone, and we scored the highest compartment score in the battle group.  So far I’m perfect for hell week, but drill and test 2 loom ahead.

For simulated fire on Monday we spent hours learning everything we need to know to fire the 9mm Beretta and 12 gauge shotgun.  This included practicing with air and laser models. Safety was a big concern, but I got pretty comfortable handling and shooting the weapons.   This morning we had the real deal, at the USS Wisconsin. Probably the most fun I’ve had in boot camp.  We took 48 rounds with the 9mm, from the standing isosceles stance and kneeling position, shooting at 3, 7 and 15 yards.  This was actually the real Navy marksmanship test for the 9mm, where you can earn the marksmanship ribbon.  You get 0-5 points based on where you hit the target.  We had to fire 2 rounds in 4 seconds, 4 rounds in 8 seconds with a reload in the middle, strong and weak hand, etc. So it was pretty intense.

A score of 180 or higher gets you the marksmanship ribbon, and I got a 193!  Which means I graduate with 2 ribbons, which is awesome.  And I can say I’m now a marksman with a 9 mm.  We also got to fire 5 founds with the 12 gauge, which was intense. 

Anyway, tomorrow is the drill, which we have sucking at hardcore.  If the sticks blow it, I think I’m gonna get beat until graduation.  We’ll see.  Boot camp is all about the highs and then the lows.  At least I got that ribbon!  Later in the fleet I can try for sharpshooter or expert rating.

Love, Jackson

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