
phase 2

Secured test 3 yesterday, which means we also got our phase 2 liberty cards. Phase 2 = no weekend curfew, and CIVILIAN clothes! Yes, we do look sharp in our NSUs, but it felt pretty good to put on a pair of jeans and walk around in a Who t-shirt. I got a 97% on test 3, missed 2 questions, even though at least 1 was a computer error that effected the whole class. Second test in a row this has happened. Is it crappy? yes. Do I really care about not having perfect scores anymore? no. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still going to do the best I can on every test and lab, and get those top of the class orders! It's good to not be type A :-)

Our focus is not shifting from the anatomy and physiology to the EMT related material, which is good because this is the section I don't know a lot about and am most eager to learn. I'll probably hit up the "Brady" book we got while I'm doing laundry, see what kind of good stuff we're getting in to.

HM1 (our active duty instructor) has been on leave all week, so we haven't PTd as a class in almost 2 weeks. I really enjoyed the beach workout he put us through, so unlike most of the class I can't wait for him to get back on Monday and start whipping us back into shape. Yeah, I've been PTing on my own, but not nearly as much as I'd like due to studying and EPO duties. Having an FMF instructor means you get the good PT workouts during class hours. Last time he worked us out, I had trouble walking down stairs for a week. Love it.

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