
A school

First post after boot camp! And this time I can actually write it myself.

So I've moved out of RTC, across the street to Naval Service Training Command. This base is a lot bigger and houses a lot of the A schools, including the Naval Hospital Corps School (NHCS). The corpsman get their own section of base, with our own galley and gym, so its pretty awesome. This is only my second day, so I've only seen the "school house", my barracks, the NEX, the hospital and galley, and Parcheezis, the bowling alley/massive arcade/bar. Yes, Corpsman get to drink in phase 1 of A school. I'm about to head over there and grab a beer and watch preseason NFL. We're in class 0700-1600, then we have liberty until 2145. On the weekends we can leave base on friday after class and all day saturday. Phase 2 we get to have overnight liberty on the weekends and can wear civilian clothes again. Right now im waiting to "class up" which means i wait 2 weeks until i actually start corpsman classes. Until then its other general navy classes, and exploring base and enjoying limited freedom! Hopefully I'll buy a laptop soon so i can surf the net more often, and hopefully my PHONE gets here soon! Mom, post those graduation pics! Love you guys,


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